'Final Fantasy XV' Update: Latest glitch features players exploring Cartanica, Eusciello, Pagla, Tenebrae; Tips on how to obtain the Cerberus Rifle revealed [VIDEOS]

| Jan 17, 2017 04:10 AM EST

Final Fantasy XV is an action-RPG video game developed by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

The latest details for "Final Fantasy XV" will feature four new locations in a glitch and tips on howto obtain the Cerberus Rifle in the game.

Several glitches were found in "Final Fantasy XV" which allowed players to explore four locations in Eos. YouTube username Megi Siki posted a video were in he explore a hidden section Catarnica train station, during which he jumps several times in a corner by a wooden crate until he manages to get on top of a nearby building.

From there, a simple leap wwill reveal a huge, previously unavailable section of Cartanica. The area appears to be practically finished, as well, and players can see a car driving on a nearby road, though no enemies are visible. A collection of pipes leading to mining rigs and large buildings also make it pretty obvious that this was or is planned as a mission location.

Megi Siki added that the buildings in the area appear are “unsolid,” which may be the only sign that the location is not yet completely finished, and that sections where the ground appears to be “blurry” can lead to an infinite loading screen.

Another gameplay video from YouTube username Fotm Hero featured three more locations in "Final Fantasy XV" and these are Eusciello, Pagla, and Tenebrae. Just like Catarnica, all three locations are also barren, unfinished and has infinite loading screen, Digital Trends reported.

Game producer Haruyoshi Sawatari stated last year that "Final Fantasy XV" will have new locations in the upcoming DLC episodes. Niflheim was also rumored to be a new map in Episode Prompto, so it is possible that these four locations will be available soon.

Meanwhile, new tips on how to obtain the Cerberus Rifle in "Final Fantasy XV" have been revealed.

The Cerberus Rifle is the only sniper rifle in "FFXV", and is exclusive only to Noctis. This new guide will help players obtain this powerful sniper rifle, which can greatly them in battle. The sniper rifle is extremely powerful, and can take down enemies, or disable them.

The rifle is not very hard to find as it can be found in the Fort Vaullerey. This Fort can be accessed after players reach a certain point in the story campaign.

Once inside the Fort, turn left until the players reach a small storage room. The Cerberus Rifle is located on a crate,GearNuke reported.

Previous reports teased that game director Hajime Tabata announced that they are working on something "awesome" for "FFXV's" storyline.

This comes as an addition information to Square Enix plans to "evolve" the current game with slight changes to the game’s story, including reworking "FFXV's" 13th chapter, and the previously detailed Season Pass episodes. Now Tabata is describing currently planned updates and DLC as laying a foundation for future initiatives and it seems as if Square Enix is escalating their post-launch content plans every time it is brought up.

Tabata stated before that the post-2017 plans for updates and DLCs for "Final Fantasy XV" is his way of "giving back" to the gaming fans who have supported the "FFXV" project and now gaming fans will have something to look forward to in the sequel within this year.

"Final Fantasy XV" is currently available for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.

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