Animated 'Spider-Man' film confirmed to star Miles Morales

| Jan 20, 2017 01:43 PM EST

Miles Morales aka the Ultimate Spider-Man uses his 'spider-sense' ability in the 'Ultimate Spider-Man' cartoon series.

Sony has now confirmed that the upcoming and still untitled animated "Spider-Man" movie will star Miles Morales instead of Peter Parker. It was also announced that "The Little Prince" director Bob Persichetti and "Rise of the Guardians" director Peter Ramsay will be helming the project.

The studio tweeted the announcement and confirmed "The Lego Movie" directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller are also involved. The pair will serve as writers and executive producers for the film. The film is scheduled to release on Dec. 21, 2018.

Early concept material was also released as part of Sony's Animation Day celebrations, Screen Rant reported. The contents of the presentation have yet to be disclosed to the public but rumors are suggesting that Miles will wear the traditional Red and Blue costume worn by Peter Parker instead of Miles' trademark Black and Red costume.

The movie is also going to be a stand-alone project, Collider reported. This means the movie is not connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in which Tom Holland stars as Peter Parker. It is still uncertain if the MCU will feature Miles Morales in a future project.

Miles Morales will also appear in the upcoming animated series launching on Disney XD. The cartoon series will also feature Peter Parker as well as Spider-Gwen.

The character was first introduced back in 2011 in the "Ultimate Spider-Man" comic books and was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis. He originally took up the mantle of Spider-Man when the "Ultimate" iteration of Peter Parker died.

When Parker returned, alive and well, he went on to continue his duties as Spider-Man but on a global scale. Miles maintained his suit and served as the Spider-Man for New York City. Miles also met the Peter Parker from the main Marvel universe.

Fans looking for more Spider-Man can look forward to the upcoming "Spider-Man: Homecoming" which launches this July. The official trailer can be viewed below:

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