Shokugeki no Soma Chapter 200 Spoilers, Summary: Team Jouichiro vs. Team Dojima Cook-Off Begins

| Jan 25, 2017 04:27 PM EST

"Food Wars: Shokugeki No Soma"

The next issue of Shokugeki no Soma will focus on the training Soma and the remaining members of Totsuki rebels will be having from Joichiro Saiba and Gin Dojima before the much-anticipated Regiment de Cuisine.

Warning: Legit Spoilers for Chapter 200:

Preparation Under Way:

-To better prepare Soma, Megumi, Takumi and Erina before the big cook-off, Jouichiro and Dojima decided to give them a better training, and the best way to do it is by having a cooking showdown between team Red and Blue.

-Although individual skills-set is an important facet in any Shokugeki battles, building team chemistry outweighs talent in Regiment de Cuisine. Jouichiro and company believes the remnants of the Totsuki rebels can pull off an upset against the Elite 10, if they can work as a team.

Red vs. Blue Showdown:

-Dojima thinks analyzing each cook's strength and weaknesses is necessary to form a team accordingly. This is negated by ever happy-go-lucky Saiba, who wants members of teams to be decided by lottery.

-Sanzaemon settles the dispute between Dojima and Jouichiro by personally picking the members of team Blue and Red. Sanzaemon decided that Jouichiro, Soma and Erina will comprise a team, while Dojima, Megumi and Takumi will form the other.

-Sanzaemon stipulated the theme is French Cuisine and the time limit is 50 minutes. He also barred anyone from speaking during the battle, which catches Erina, Takumi, Megumi and Soma off-guard.

Battle Begins:

-Erina is already feeling the pressure of cooking together with her long-time crush, Jouichiro, who is not showing great chemistry with his son, Soma. In contrast, Dojima and Takumi are working harmoniously in the kitchen, while Megumi is trying her best to be on pace with the two chefs.

-Sanzaemon warns Jouichiro and Soma to shut up or else they will be disqualified from the match.

For full chapter 200, get a copy of Shokuge no Soma in the upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Jump on Jan. 30, 2017.

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