'Legends Of Tomorrow' Season 2 spoilers: Eobard Thawne to use the Spear of Destiny to kill The Flash; Black Flash vs Reverse-Flash fight teased soon?

| Jan 31, 2017 01:30 AM EST

"Legends of Tomorrow" is a spin-off series developed by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim and Phil Klemmer.

The latest details and spoilers for "Legends of Tomorrow" will feature the Reverse-Flash's plan to kill The Flash and a possible confrontation with the Black Flash.

It seems that the Legion of Doom will be collecting all the pieces of the mythical Spear of Destiny throughout the second haft of "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 as they and the Legends will race across time to collect them.

Although the Legends team have all the medalion and a piece of the Spear of Destiny, Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough) and Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) have their captain, former Time Master Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill), whos memories have been rewritten and became Phil Gasmer, a struggling film student.

It is revealed that the Spear of Destiny possess an extraordinary power to rewrite reality becoming a god like being in the process, and with Rip captured the Legion of Doom will be getting every information by any means necessary even torture. The Spear has been broken up into multiple pieces, which have to be re-united in order for someone to access their power and only Rip knows the location of each piece.

While Malcolm, Damien and Eobard work together to obtain, the Legion's true goal has not been revealed, however, there is a chance the Eobard might be using both Damiern and Malcolm as pawns and wants to use the Spear for his own benefit.

It is speculated that Eobard could use the Spear of Destiny to kill his nemesis, Barry Allen/The Flash (Grant Gustin) without erasing his existance as he knows that by killing him now, he will not exist in the first place, Screenrant reported.

Meanwhile, a Flash villain will be appearing in "Legends of Tomorrow" season 2 as executive producer Marc Guggenheim told Entertainment Weekly that the Black Flash will heading to the show and possibly other "Arrowverse" TV series.

Formerly known as the Earth 2 speedster Hunter Solomon/Zoom (Teddy Sears), The Flash defeated him during the season 2 finale of "The Flash" as the Time Wraiths disfigured and captured him into the Speed Force for "breaking" its rules.

Now he serves as a Grim Reaper for Speedsters who manipulate events in time and Eobard is no exception as he too has been manipulating certain events in history.

It is unknown yet as to how Black Flash will appear in "Supergirl", "Arrow" and "The Flash", but the "Arrowverse" is known for hinting several clues for a small crossovers which leads to big crossovers in future seasons.

"Legends of Tomorrow" returns on Tuesday at 9pm on the CW Network.

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