'One Punch Man' Season 2 rumors: A member of Hero Association to become a villain; Pyskos, Monster Association added to the show!

| Feb 02, 2017 02:20 AM EST

One Punch Man is an anime TV series produced by Madhouse based from a Japanese webcomic created by One.

The latest details and spoilers for "One Punch Man" season 2 to feature Psykos and the Monster Association in the show and a member of the Hero Association to become a villain.

Several rumors are making rounds regarding the a member of the Hero Association becoming an enemy of Saitama and Genos in "One Punch Man" season 2 and it is hinted that S-Class Rank 7 Hero Dr. Bofoi a.k.a. Metal Knight could be that member.

Dr. Bofoi is a hero who is more obsess in high form of technology than having compassion with others that will not benefit him anything. He has a habit of collecting remnants or useful parts for his technology like the wreckage of the Dark Matter Thieve's ship. One thing is for sure that will make Dr Bofoi mysterious is because of what Drive Knight told Genos about him, saying Metal Knight should not be trusted and he is their "true" enemy.

Metal Knight always uses his weapons to battle any threat or Mysterious Beings in "One Punch Man" anime. He has the reputation of having and using powerful weaponry to pulverize his opponents. In addition, Bofoi has a great piloting skills as he controls multiple robots during battle.

A possible reason for Metal Knight becoming a villain is that Saitama destroyed his robots in the manga and ruined his reputation by making his technology not safe for the people because it was easily beaten by him, GameNGuide reported.

Meanwhile, the Monster Association will be waging war against the Hero Association during the events of "One Punch Man" season 2 and they are led by Psykos.

Pyskos is described as a beautiful woman who sports aqua-blue hair and green eyes and a former Blizzard Group vice president. There are also speculations that members of the Monster Association have immense disaster levels that could pit them against the Hero Association's S-Class heroes. This also means that heroes in the lower class are said to be helpless against Psykos' team but with Saitama's help, things could be neutralized.

Furthermore the Monster Association has ties with Garou, a possible villain in "One Punch Man" season 2 as Twitter username MotoGP Update tweeted that the possible plot for "One Punch Man" season 2 as the user hinted that it could be the "Garou" arc or popularly known as the "Hero Hunt" arc.

Previous reports speculated that "One Punch Man" season 2 could premier likely in the mid-2017.

"One Punch Man" season 2 will launch sometime in 2017.

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