‘Suicide Squad’: Joe Manganiello Rumored To Play Deathstroke, Ed Harris Rumored As Main Villain Antiphon

| Mar 12, 2015 05:40 PM EDT

Suicide Squad

Fans have seen movies featuring superheroes. The time has come for the emergence of an anti-hero team film - "Suicide Squad".

"Suicide Squad" is an upcoming American film based on the DC Comics anti-hero team of the same name. It will also serve as the third installment in the DC Comics' shared film universe.

The film will star Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Jared Leto as The Joker, Will Smith as Deadshot, Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flagg, Jai Courtney as Boomerang, Cara Delevingne as Enchantres, and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller. Jesse Eisenberg is rumored to play the role of Lex Luthor.

"Suicide Squad" has more rooms for more characters, as per Cinema Blend. One of the assumed characters to be part of the upcoming film is Deathstroke, and rumors say that it is confirmed.

The character role is rumored to be played by Magic Mike actor Joe Manganiello. One of his most notable films is 2014's "Sabotage", playing the role of Joe Phillips. The actor was also linked and considered as a cast to previous superhero projects such as "Batman". He also played the role of Flash Thompson in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies. 

An Instagram post by Umberto Gonzalez reveals that the film's main villain is Antiphon. Antiphon is a minor DC Comics character. It is rumored that Ed Harris will be playing the role. As per his post,

"Meet the head bad guy in #SUICIDESQUAD - #ANTIPHON who leads a badass terrorist cell called #ONSLAUGHT which is up against 3DEADSHOT 7 the rest of the Suicide Squad. Onslaught are hunting super heroes & villains for their own agenda. They're like a special ops team made up of mercenaries. Antiphon is a burn victim & has a prosthetic leg. Ed Harris was rumored for the role. Once Antiphon is officially cast will let you guys know."

Will Antiphon be confirmed as the film's main antagonist?

The film is set to be piloted by David Ayer, with Bruce Franklin, Andy Horwitz, Geoff Johns, Alex Ott, Charles Roven, Deborah Snyder, Zack Snyder, Richard Suckle, and Colin Wilson, as producers. Ross Andru, Rober Kanigher, and John Ostrander, will be acting as co-writers. The film will be produced by Dune Entertainment and will be distributed by Warner Bros.

"Suicide Squad" is slated to premiere in theaters and cinemas in the United States on August 05, 2016. 

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