Games bogged down to 2018 and beyond revealed; 'Final Fantasy 7 Remake' hinted to have 'filler development'

| Feb 09, 2017 01:38 AM EST

Cloud Strife poses a fighting stance in "Final Fantasy VII Remake."

Quite a number of highly anticipated console titles have been seen in the wild as of late whilst others' fate are already sealed to be released sometime in 2017. However, there are still quite a few that hangs in the balance not having the slightest idea if they can still see the light of day.

Playerbase of respective AAA games namely Sony Interactive Entertainment's "God of War" and Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us Part 2" are very much aware that the two will not make it for a 2017 release. Nevertheless, some game developers have remained tight-lipped on when their long overdue titles would be released.

Bungie's sequel to "Destiny" to be obviously dubbed as "Destiny 2" is one clear example. Pretty much nothing was heard from the game developer from the time the game was made known not to mention an alleged leak about the game suggesting that it will be released during Fall of 2016. It was later learned that the game is slated to be out in late 2017.

However, the franchise has been quite unpredictable when it comes to releasing game contents and updates. Considering the fact that it is one of Bungie's massive titles, it is probable that a 2017 target could be a miss.

In 2014, Reagent Games announced "Crackdown 3"  at the Electronics Entertainment Expo. Details about the game's development are also difficult to come by albeit numerous gameplay teasers have been released over the past years. Moreover, its publisher - Microsoft Studios have already canned equally anticipated games such as "Scalebound," though "Crackdown 3" remained tough.

As of late, Jason Staten was tapped to write for the title's story plot and recently tweeted that he already started making some progress on that element of the game. He also scribed acclaimed titles like "Halo 2" and "Destiny," according to Game Rant.

Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed: Empire" is also a notable mention that may not meet the 2017 deadline. In a statement obtained by Forbes, Ubisoft's Yves Guillemot mentioned that the game will arrive when they feel that it is ready. From the looks of it, "Assassin's" fanbase is giving its developers some leeway time in releasing a fitting sequel to the game series.

"Final Fantasy 7 Remake" is definitely one of the sure shots. It has been known that the game will be released in an episodic manner as developer Square Enix and its producer, Yoshinori Kitase pointed out that they wanted the remake to be told in a very detailed way.

Recent reports also suggest that Kitase hinted that they might release other projects in between "FFVII" releases. The producer did not go into details though as to what those filler developments will be. Many are now making wild assumptions that it could be a game or additional contents.

Watch a clip about some news regarding "Final Fantasy VII Remake" here:


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