'Jurassic Park' in China Leads to Discovery of New Species in 82 Dinosaur Fossil Sites

| Feb 13, 2017 08:17 AM EST

Dinosaur fossils are preserved all over China.

Researchers have found various fossils of dinosaurs in East China. The sites total to 82, with 25 types of fossil eggs and six dinosaur species.

The data was gathered by researchers from the Zhejiang Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology and Zhejiang Museum of Natural History. They conducted the study between 2006 and 2013.

The scientists had to survey about 11,000 kilometers of land to collect the various remains of the dinosaurs.

Among the fossils recovered, the paleontologists were able to identify eight new dinosaur species. The number of dinosaurs in the area is immense, which earned it the name "Jurassic Park."

The work was such a big breakthrough that the team won an award from the Ministry of Land and Resources.

Jin Xingsheng, deputy curator of Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, said, "It has been proved that a lot of dinosaurs lived in Zhejiang during the Cretaceous period, about 65 million to 145 million years ago."

He added, "Compared with other southeastern provinces, Zhejiang has the largest amount of dinosaur fossils."

The fossils were found underneath two layers of volcanic rock which signified that the creatures lived in an area with rich vegetation.

The scientists also were able to conclude that the extinction of the dinosaur species was caused by an asteroid or comet hitting the Earth.

Last year, two sets of dinosaur bones were discovered in Yunan Province. The species were believed to have existed 180 million years ago.

The two species called Lufengosaurs magnus and Lufengosaurus huenei were herbivores.

Paleontologists were able to identify the dinosaurs and believed that they had a length of 9 meters long.

Mr. Wang Tao is the director of the department for geological heritage protection at the Lufeng Land Resources Bureau and said that they will preserve the fossils in a museum.

He said, "We will continue in site conservation once we have built a museum at the excavation site."

The expert noted that the fossils should be preserved and to avoid scammers from spreading rumors online that they are for sale.

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