Pokemon Go Gen 2: Heracross is region specific; Scizor, Ampharos, Smeargle, Unown are rare; Suicune, Raikou, Entei are legendary

| Feb 21, 2017 12:26 AM EST

Pokemon Go Gen 2: Heracross is region specific; Scizor, Ampharos, Smeargle, Unown are rare; Suicune, Raikou, Entei are legendary

Given below are Pokemon that are regional, legendary and rare.

According to reports, at present, no Gen 2 Pokemon have been confirmed as being region exclusive. But Heracross may be region specific, as it has been confirmed in South Florida and South America.

However, some reports suggest that the Pokemon is not region-specific. However, according to Redditor Wolfssoul, Heracross may be the only regional that is active in the game.

Some creatures in Gen 2 are rarer. Players may expect some of the higher CP creatures to be rarer, such as Tyranitar that is equal to the Dragonite. Blissey is a top choice for gamers. Ampharos (equal to Lapras) and Scizor (equal to Lapras) are favorite fighters, therefore, they may be difficult to find in the wild.

Delibird and Smeargle have not been found in the game at all. They are the most rare Pokemon from Gen 2. Delibird and Smeargle may appear later in the game. These Pokemon have different moves that can take longer to code.

According to reports, the two creatures and the legendaries are not yet coded into the game. Also, Unown is a rare Pokemon.

The Legendary Pokemon from Gen 2 are Celebi, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Suicune, Entei and Raikou. Gamers cannot find these creatures in the game, as the legendaries from Gen 1 have not appeared yet.

Some of the new creatures are known to be very common. According to the Redditor ShotgunMavericks01, Ledyba is like Weedle, Spinarak is like Caterpie, Sentret is like Rattata and Hoothoot is like Spearow. Also, according to the Redditor JustPillows, Natu and Marill are very common.

Meanwhile, given below are Gen 2 Pokemon with the highest max CP

Ho-Oh - Maximum CP - 4650

Espeon - Maximum CP - 3000
Heracross - Maximum CP - 2938
Ampharos - Maximum CP - 2695
Typhlosion - Maximum CP - 2686
Porygon2 - Maximum CP - 2546
Houndoom - Maximum CP - 2529
Jynx - Maximum CP - 2512
Slowking - Maximum CP - 2482
Miltank - Maximum CP - 2325
Piloswine - Maximum CP - 2284
Meganium - Maximum CP - 2227
Forretress - Maximum CP - 2263
Magmar - Maximum CP - 2254

Steelix - Maximum CP - 2439
Kingdra - Maximum CP - 2424
Hitmonlee - Maximum CP - 2406
Politoed - Maximum CP - 2371
Clefable - Maximum CP - 2353

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