UK's one punch man cleared of murdering Oliver Dearlove

| Feb 23, 2017 11:39 AM EST

A CCTV footage showcases a man lying on the ground after receiving a deadly one punch from an assailant.

The person who took the life Oliver Dearlove has been cleared of murder. Dubbed as UK's one punch man, Trevor Timon had already admitted manslaughter after delivering a left hook to victims head.

The unemployed defendant, Timon, has pleaded guilty to manslaughter over the attack on May 16, 2010, according to The Sun. The court heard yesterday that a "powerful" single punch landed on Dearlove's head knocking him immediately unconscious, but he was not found guilty of the more serious murder charge.

According to reports, Timon, who already had a history of violence denied any intention of killing the 30-year-old banker manager. He stated that he was just "pissed off" at one of the banker's friends making some racist comments.

The meeting of the two groups, one of Timon's and the other of Dearlove's happened at Tranquil Vale when the accused and his friends are waiting for a cab. Based on the statement of one of the witnesses, the altercation started after a "polite" chat over baby pictures.

"I showed him a picture and he said, 'Oh wow, he's really beautiful.' To myself he was perfectly fine, just polite. Trevor was walking towards us then there was an exchange of words. Trevor said something like: 'What are you saying? What's going on?' to me or Oliver. It was not the friendliest but it was not overly horrible," The Guardian quoted one of the witnesses as saying.

During the event, one of Dearlove's friend, Andrew Cook noticed that Timon was angry. He [Timon] came out of nowhere with bad intentions. Andrew stated that Timon was the looking for a fight, and described by him as "not a nice guy."

After the incident the accused fled to Ireland to see his mother. Before he surrendered himself to the authorities, he sent a series of messages to a close friend asking sorry for what had happened.

Watch here below other one punch death incidents:

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