Tourism Authority Says Chinese Tourists’ Behavior Better But China’s Image Is Unimproved

| Feb 27, 2017 05:30 AM EST

Chinese tourists still leave a bad impression to people in other countries.

A survey was conducted by the Chinese Tourism Authority where the office interviewed people in frequent Chinese destinations. The respondents said that the Chinese tourists have shown improved behavior.

However, the respondents' overall perception of China is still negative, according to the report.

There were 3,650 interviewees were from Japan, United States, Britain, Singapore, France, and Indonesia. Most of them gave positive feedback except for the Japanese.

Only 18.9 percent of respondents said that they noticed an improvement. The interviewees overall said that on a scale of 1 to 10, Chinese tourist behavior was ranked at 5.2.

According to the report, "Despite there is no difference in how Chinese and overseas interviewees define bad behavior, the overall ranking of Chinese outbound tourists' manners is not that high."

Many reports of Chinese tourists with bad behavior circulate and has been highlighted by much foreign media personnel.

A reporter from Korean media company, Asahi Shimbun reported last year, "Table tennis champion Wang Nan says her husband was right to leave the faucet running in a Japanese hotel to waste water as revenge over Japan for invading China eighty-five years ago."

Chinese tourists have made a reputation for leaving garbage, creating noise and even splashing hot water on a Thai flight attendant.

There was also a Chinese man who stabbed a Korean woman in a Jeju chapel because he said that the woman reminded him of his ex-wife.

A Korean woman reacted and said, "Since a Chinese person murdered someone in Jeju Cathedral, seeing robust Chinese men frightens me."

An expert explained that badly behaving Chinese are mostly unaware of other cultures and are new to the traveling experience.

"Sometimes Chinese tourists do not realize their behavior is not suitable in certain cultural settings. Some act in the same way when they are abroad as they do at home," said Guo Lufang, a professor of tourism and city management at Zhejiang Gongshang University.

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