CT Scans May Help Detect Heart Diseases More Clearly In People With Chest Pain

| Mar 16, 2015 05:46 AM EDT

CT scan

Scottish researchers have found that compared to standard tests, CT scans may help detect heart diseases better in people suffering from chest pain, according to Frontline Desk.

CT scans were found to identify more heart problems. Furthermore, these tests allowed physicians to act to reduce the risk of a heart attack. Chest pain may feel like a dull ache or a sharp pain. It differs from individual to individual.

Dr. Gregg Fonarow, a cardiology professor at the University of California, said that standard testing for patients can include a stress test and an electrocardiogram test. However, these tests can fail to detect the presence of coronary heart disease. This can lead to a wrong diagnosis.

The research team examined the medical records of 4,100 patients who received treatment for chest pain due to coronary heart disease. The researchers randomly assigned patients to receive a standard care or a CT scan.

Standard care led to different diagnoses in 1 percent of patients, whereas CT scans resulted in different diagnosis in 25 percent of patients. Standard care resulted in treatment changes in 5 percent of patients, while CT tests resulted in treatment changes in 23 percent of patients. Also, patients who received CT scans showed a 38 percent reduction in the number of heart attacks. Newby said that less than 2 percent of patients experienced mild side effects due to a CT scan.

Medical News Today states that a CT scan can also recognize abnormal tissues and disclose important data about injuries to a person's feet, hands and other skeletal structures.

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