Chinese Community in Paris Mourns for Chinese Man Killed by Police

| Apr 03, 2017 08:05 AM EDT

People gather during a demonstration for justice on the Place de la Republique (Republic's Square) on March 30, 2017 following the death of Chinese Liu Shaoyo during a police intervention.

On Sunday, the Chinese community in Paris gathered to mourn the death of a Chinese man killed by police last week. Liu Shaoyao, a father of five, was shot by a police officer at his Paris home.

Thousands have gathered Sunday afternoon in the landmark Place de la Republique to protest against police violence. Participants held white roses and placards with the words “Justice, Truth, Dignity.”

Among the protesters were Liu’s two daughters. They have expressed their gratitude to all those who have given support to their family following their father’s death.

"We believe that the law will give us a truth and will result in a fair decision," the daughters said.

At the rally, Ren Limin, the president of the Association of Chinese Residing in France, said that both Chinese and French citizens share the tragedy of Liu Shaoyao’s death.

The French authorities must perform the fastest judicial investigation and make the truth known to everyone, said Ren.

The Chinese community in France seeks for a public apology from certain French media after rumors unfavorable to Sino-French relations have spread. They will also assist Liu’s family in seeking state compensation, Ren added.

Prior the Sunday rally, minister of the Chinese Embassy in France Guan Jian conveyed his condolences to the victim’s family. He said that the Chinese Embassy in France will assist in administrative procedures to encourage Liu’s other family members in China to come to France.

Guan also said that Chinese diplomacy will also keep communicating with concerned French ministers and persist on its appeal to France for a prompt and fair investigation.

The Chinese community in the southern French city of Marseille conducted a similar mourning rally on Sunday.

Several protests have been conducted by the Chinese community in Paris to condemn the death of Chinese man killed by police a week ago. Demonstrations are expected to continue as people seek justice for Liu Shaoyao.

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