Kim Kardashian Shows Off Derriere, UnderWear In Black Sexy Jeans; Kanye West Congratulates Wife On Nude Photoshoot

| Mar 17, 2015 04:33 AM EDT

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian seems to be on a media frenzy mood these days. The reality television star was spotted in another curve hugging tight black outfit earlier during the day by E! News.

It has been reported that Kardashian was wearing a black shirt with a black jeans that proved to be more see through than her fans might have anticipated. Falling victim to the fashion faux pas as she crouched over in her car, the realilty star unintentionally revealed her underwear to the media.

Furthermore, this "sharing" by Kardashian was much less than what her rapper boyfriend Kanye West shared earlier during the day on Twitter.

West posted congratulatory tweets of his wife along with few screenshots of her nude photo shoot for having achieved 30 million followers on Twitter. It has been reported that the Kardashian decided to do the shoot to memorize her body before hoping to get pregnant again. she reportedly responded with a series of tweets proclaiming her love for her husband.

Earlier, Kardashian was in the news for sharing a bit too much detail about her sex life with half sister Kendall Jenner in the premiere episode of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians. The full transcript of the conversation was provided by Us Weekly, in which Kardashian admits on having canoodled West  at her photo shoot to maximize her chances of conception.

It seems that spotlight is Kardashian's best friend because she has always managed to stay under it for some or the other reason. However, whether the recent incidents are merely coincidence or preparatory publicity for the launch of the recent season of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" on E! is still a matter of debate.

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