Cosmic Girls Fan’s Joke about Lesbian Wedding of 2 Members Goes Viral

| May 01, 2017 09:09 PM EDT

Cosmic Girls Members

Many netizens would share or retweet an internet post even if they have not verified if what is written in the post is true, so long as the news is interesting. A tweet about two alleged lesbian members of a Chinese girl band marrying was interesting for many netizens even if it was a joke.

Wedding Gowns

The joke came from a Cosmic Girls fan who uses the Twitter handle @merrymeiqi. On April 27, she tweeted that Meng Mei Qi and Wu Xuan Yi, who are members of the Cosmic Girls, and allegedly billionaires and lesbians, got married. To make the wedding part look real, the fan included in her tweet a photo of the two girl band members wearing gowns that could be a wedding dress.

Korean Portal noted that the tweet by the fan was retweeted by Twitter members who were not even fans of the Chinese girl band. It was retweeted more than 23,000 times and liked almost 40,000 times. Among those who retweeted the news is Debby Ryan, a Disney Channel actress.

Where is the Proof?

Some Twitter members asked for proof that the two band members got married, while some fans of the Cosmic Girls replied with screenshots of the band’s music video for “I Wish” as the source of the news. The reaction to the tweet ranged from commending China for allegedly allowing lesbian marriage to some fans being disappointed that their idols turn out to have a different gender preference. After the tweet became viral, @merrymeiqi admitted it was only a joke to amuse fans of Cosmic Girls.

Meanwhile, AllKPop reported that the Cosmic Girls are the new models for the Elite school uniforms. The band members are the perfect models since their stage outfits are school uniforms. The previous endorsers of the clothing brand were IOI and Pentagon.

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