Seasonal Fishing Moratorium Imposed by China Begins in South and East China Seas--Vietnam Enraged

| May 04, 2017 10:40 AM EDT

Vietnamese fishermen continue to fish in the South China Sea amid China's ban.

China declared a fishing ban that affected fishing boats from Xiangshan.The fishing ban will be effective until September.

Fishing boats will be prohibited from sailing in the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

According to a statement from China's Ministry of Agriculture, "Fishing north of the 12 degree north latitude, except for conventional angling or other approved methods, will also be restricted."

This is the annual fishing ban imposed by China every summer and has started a month earlier than the previous years.

The ban in the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea are set to end on Sept. 1. The ban in the East China Sea will end on Aug. 1 and the ban on the South China Sea will end on Aug. 16.

The ban in these areas has already shrunk the supplies of fish and caused prices to surge.

A retailer from the Fujian Province said that the ban has already caused an increase in the fish prices. The retailer said, "The price of butterfish has jumped up from 18 yuan per jin (500g) to 30 yuan per jin. And it's really hard to buy one."

Vietnam slammed China for the imposition of the fishing ban that extended to the South China Sea. Both countries are in a dispute because of China's territorial claims on waters near Vietnam.

The Vietnamese government said that the ban violates Vietnamese sovereignty and is worsening the tense situation in the troubled waters.

The seasonal fishing ban will cover parts of the South China Sea which are near the Paracel Islands claimed by Vietnam and being disputed by China.

Le Hai Binh, Vietnamese foreign ministry spokesman, released a statement that expressed opposition to the ban. Binh added that Vietnam has grounds historically and legally in claiming the ownership of the Paracel Islands.

The foreign ministry said that China is violating international law and it should respect Vietnam's claim on the South China Sea.

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