Coronavirus COVID-19 Latest News: China Lifting Wuhan Lockdown

| Mar 24, 2020 07:23 PM EDT

Azadi Tower lights in support of China against coronavirus

Still, the Chinese government remains vigilant as mainland China saw a spike in imported cases. Out of 78 new cases on Monday, 74 were infections contracted overseas. This was a significant jump from 39 imported cases in the previous day.

Beijing recorded the highest number of imported cases (31), followed by Guangdong (14) and Shanghai (9). Overall, the imported cases of COVID-19 is at 427 as of Monday night.

In Macao, officials are banning visitors from greater China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan most especially for those who have traveled abroad for the past two weeks. The ban will take effect starting March 25.

South Korea, which was the second hardest-hit nation in Asia next to China, has also implemented tougher measures against those coming overseas. The country has been a model worldwide in containing the spread of the virus.

On Monday, South Korea reported 64 new cases with 13 patients coming from overseas travels. Still, however, Monday marked the 12th day in a row where South Korea reported lower than 100 cases. By comparison, at its peak, South Korea saw as many as 909 cases in a day.

Meanwhile, worry is now high in India, one of the most populous countries in the world. The country now has 471 patients with authorities dreading a possible big jump. When this happens, it could overwhelm the vulnerable health system in the country.

There have been two deaths in India due to COVID-19. One of the fatalities was a man with no travel history, hinting that local transmissions are now present. The country has since stopped domestic flights with the majority of cities and regions on a lockdown.

Elsewhere in the Western Pacific Region - including Australia, New Zealand, and Brunei - there are now 95,637 total cases, with 850 new cases. Total deaths are now at 3,473 with new fatalities at 35.

In South-east Asia region - including the Maldives - there are now, 1,776 confirmed cases, with 519 new cases, Total deaths are now at 58, with new fatalities at 13.

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