Two Nurses from UK and Italy, Fending for Coronavirus Patients, Kill Themselves

| Mar 26, 2020 02:09 PM EDT

(Photo : Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay)

Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay

Since the spread of the coronavirus, many countries have been weighed down with stressed health care systems. But worse is the effect of coronavirus to the frontline medical personnel, who suffer stress amidst deaths of their patients at the hand of the coronavirus. For this reason, two nurses - one from Italy and another from UK, commited suicide.

Daily Mail reports that Daniela Trezzi, 34 years old, did not die from the COVID-19, but after testing positive for it. The fear that she passed the coronavirus to others weighed on her heavily. She felt guilty for passing the coronavirus to other people after knowing that she is now a carrier.

Trezzi was working at the intensive care unit of San Gerardo Hospital in Lombard. This is the first area that was struck worst when the disease came to Italy.

The National Federation of Nurses of Italy reported her death was caused by stress, which was affected by her daily job at the ICU.

"The condition and stress to which our professionals are subjected is under the eyes of all. A similar episode had happened a week ago in Venice, with the same underlying reasons," the federation said according to New York Post.

All in all, 450,000 professionals are supporting the grief felt by relatives and family of Trezzi. Most nurses and health workers are now at the mercy of fatal stress and shortages of workers.

Mario Aparone, the Director of the San Gerardo Hospital, added that Trezzi's death is sad, and authorities are examining the circumstances of her suicide.

Coronavirus outbreak in Italy

The Italian outbreak is the worst hit with 7,503 death toll and 74,386 patients who are suffering from coronavirus infection. The number of cases and death toll in China, where coronavirus started, is now surpassed by Italy.

Italy has been in a long lockdown as an effort to stop the spread of coronavirus, especially in the worst-hit northern region of Lombardy.

Last March 12, all public congregations were prohibited and businesses shut down to contain and delay the spread but still, to no avail.

An extended lockdown has been declared by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to help stop the collapse of the system.

Coronavirus is everywhere and has taken 16,000 lives or more.

Nurse in UK also commited suicide

In another news, another nurse died due to suicide. The 20-year old nurse, whose name is kept private was found dead at the King's College Hospital (KCH) where she worked. She is said to have taken an overdose.

It was 5.36 pm on Monday when she was found unresponsive in the hospital. Medics did their best to keep her from dying, but she expired despite all efforts. Later, her relatives were informed of her untimely death as reported by the Mirror.

The death of the nurse is not considered suspicious and the authorities prepared her files for the coroner.

Most serious coronavirus patients who are severe end up in the intensive care unit (ICU), which are fended by nurses round the clock. Her stress originated from this which led to her unfortunate demise.

Both Trezzi and the young English nurse where overworked and experienced too much stress which eventually lead to their death. The coronavirus frontliners face not just physical harm but even mental harm as well.

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