‘The Following’ Season 3 Recap: Ryan Hardy Losing To Enemy In Mar. 16 Episode, 2-Hr Special Coming Up (Spoilers, Review)

| Mar 18, 2015 04:49 AM EDT

Actor Kevin Bacon from "The Following"

"The Following" Season 3, Episode 3 aired Mar. 16 on Fox. This week's new episode shows Ryan Hardy is losing against Mark, as the crazed villain remains out of his reach. More important, someone close to Ryan is in a very dangerous situation by the end of the episode.  This series comes with a 2-hour special on Mar. 23.

Mark, Daisy and Kyle kill (spoiler alert) two reporters in this week's new episode of "The Following" Season 3.  Ryan, Max and Mike hunt down Neil, the cutter who tortured and murdered their FBI colleague in the previous week's episode.

The audience has yet to confirm the top leader who pushed Kyle and Daisy to Mark. What's been clear since the first episode of "The Following" Season 3 is that the two are not exactly looking up to Mark. In this Mar. 16 episode, they discuss work details with a certain Julianna.

Julianna seems to be in the same level as Kyle and Daisy. Speculations are rife that they are all followers of Joe Carroll, but the big villain has not surfaced since the new season premiere. It is also clear that their families seem to be in danger, which was never the case among Joe's followers in the past.

In this new episode, Mark becomes seriously worried about the loyalty of Kyle and Daisy. The insane part of him, the voice that speaks in memory of his twin brother Luke, tells him to watch the two more closely.

Kyle and Daisy later plant bugs in Max's apartment. Their dialogues imply they don't have orders to kill Max, but they will spy on her.

The next episode of "The Following" Season 3 airs Mar. 23 on Fox. This is a 2-hr special that is expected to really move things forward after a series of sleeper trifecta.

Disclaimer: Any opinion expressed in this review belongs solely to the writer, and its publication does not signify an endorsement by Yibada.

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