'The Flash' Season 1 Recap, Spoilers: 10 Things To Know After Episode 1x15 (The CW Air Date: 3/17/15)

| Mar 18, 2015 01:07 PM EDT

Cast member Grant Gustin attends a panel for The CW television series "The Flash"

"The Flash" Season 1 on The CW shocked viewers and confirmed speculations. Everyone who saw the Mar. 17 episode now know the alter ego of Eobard Thawne, aka Reverse Flash, a popular character in the DC Comics Universe.  This Flash 1x15 review contains spoilers; read on at your own risk.

Here are ten things you should know if you have skipped a few episodes of "The Flash" Season 1: One, Barry Allen in 1x14 told Joe West that Dr Wells couldn't have anything to do with his mother's death. Two, Joe asked Cisco to carefully analyze Nora Allen's crime scene.

Three, Iris is going to look deeply into the events at S.T.A.R. Labs. She told Barry that Dr Wells is a suspicious character. Four, Iris is in-love with Barry, but she still moved in with Eddie Thawne despite Barry's romantic confession. Five, Barry Allen and Iris kissed in Flash 1x15.

Six, Dr Wells killed (spoiler alert) someone who taught him "what it's like to have a son." Seven, Barry's accidental time travel brought him to a point in the past where Dr Wells hasn't killed Cisco. Eight, Barry's girlfriend Linda Park confronted Iris over her feelings for Barry in 1x15.

Nine, "The Flash" Season 1 has 23 episodes. Episode 15 was delivered like a finale, but a lot of things are still unfolding. Ten, Dr Wells did not intend to kill Nora Allen. He meant to kill Barry 15 years ago, and he couldn't time travel to his own world.

In the next episode of "The Flash" Season 1, Barry Allen will face Captain Cold, Heat Wave, and Lisa Snart. This new episode (1x16), titled "Rogue Time," airs on Mar. 24 on The CW.

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