Electronic Arts Confirm Star Wars Battlefront Reveal is at Star Wars Celebration Event, this April

| Mar 19, 2015 04:23 PM EDT

EA Announces Star Wars Battlefront Reveal

Electronic Arts announced the upcoming DICE made multiplayer shooter "Star Wars Battlefront" about a year ago in E3 2015, but after a long wait, the company confirmed that they are about to reveal in-depth information about the game at the upcoming Star Wars Celebration event.

EA confirmed that the Star Wars Celebration will be taking place between April 16 and 19, at the Anaheim, California, in their official EA blog

"It seems like it is a far far away time when we announced that a new Star Wars game is coming at the E3. We even promised that we will reveal it to you in spring 2015 and here we are, ready to talk about it at the celebration. There couldn't be a more appropriate place than this one," read the blog.

The game is being developed by DICE, the popular developer who are behind the hit series Battlefield and Mirror's Edge. The title is supposed to get launched during the holiday season in 2015 and an announcement with the confirmed release date is expected during this event.

George Lucas owned the franchise which was acquired by Disney in 2012 after which EA signed an exclusive deal with the company to create a new "Star Wars Battlefront" game, on a larger scale. The earlier titles were made by Pandemic studios, Rebellion Developments and Free Radical Design.

Battlefront games typically drop players in the middle of the battlefield, inside the Star Wars universe but this is the first time that the series is being developed by a big studio that is known for its authentic multiplayer experience. 

The game's release is expected to coincide with the movie "Star Wars: A Force Awakens", directed by J. J. Abrams, which has been scheduled for release this December, adds Polygon.

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