The Lizzie Velasquez Story: 'World's Ugliest Woman' Inspires Women Worldwide

| Mar 20, 2015 04:33 AM EDT

A Brave Heart: The Lizzie Velasquez Story

Deemed as the "World's Ugliest Woman", the 26-year old Lizzie Velasquez turns criticisms from the world into stepping stones as she becomes one of the most inspirational women in the world.

Velasquez on a report by TIME reveals how her world was shattered when she saw a viral video posted on YouTube criticizing her appearance.

"When I saw it my whole world just felt like it crashed at the moment," said Velasquez. 

Suffering a rare congenital disease, Velasquez' body prohibits her from gaining weight, thus giving her an appearance that is unusual for the world's standards.

Living in a world that looks up to magazines as a benchmarks for beauty standards,her condition made her the center of bullying and verbal abuse.

Growing up she rememberes how she has been the subject of malicious comments and abuse at her school.

Despite of life's cruelty, she remained to have a strong spirit. Instead of wallowing in shame and depression, due to her unusual condition, she used it for the better and maintained a positive outlook in life.

This prompted her to create a YouTube account that shares her life to everyone.

Destiny smiled upon her as her motivational Ted Talk went viral. The video became an inspiration to people with the same condition and women all over the world; which later on prompted groups like Women RIsing to ask her to join their advocacy.

When asked about the person who posted and called her the "World's Ugliest Woman" on YouTube, she replied kindly saying: " If I ever see that person, I would jump on them and give them the biggest hug in the world."

She also added that she would thank these people from bringing her "the best thing that has ever happened" in her life.

Now she continues to be an inspiration as she stars in a new documentary film, A Brave Heart. According to MTV, this film is about her journey on how she made a positive impact on the people around her.

Velasquez's inspiration doesn't end in the documentary film, as she engages herself in anti-bullying campaigns and continues to provide motivational speeches in places where her feet bring her.

Watch her motivational speech here.

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