Tesla CEO Elon Musk Announce Updates For Model S Include Software To Detect Charging Station

| Mar 20, 2015 08:07 AM EDT

Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk

Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced some software updates for its cars especially for their Model S sedans.

Making an exception with other automobile hulks, interesting fact is that Tesla will add this software updates even to those already purchased cars. 

"We really designed the Model S to be a very sophisticated computer on wheels," said Musk on Thursday, as reported by Los Angeles times.

Model S is one of the few cars which get improvement in a short time span as compared to other electric cars; it is getting faster and even better with times.

Tesla Motors is planning to update many of its Model S sedans with features like automatic braking, a partial autopilot system, robotic parking program and a software to detect near by charging stations for recharging the car.

And this is the most important update, an app which will keep off "range anxiety," fear that a car will run out of electricity before it reaches a destination. Basically the software scans the locations of all Tesla charging stations and guides the drivers by suggesting the best route to get there.

The electric sedans will receive the free software updates through a wireless link embedded in the cars. With older cars, Tesla will subordinately add up these updates.

Meanwhile, Tesla is testing an autopilot or simply an auto-steering function. Aided with a sensor, it allows a driver to travel without touching the steering wheels.

"We can basically go between San Francisco and Seattle without the driver doing anything," CNBC quoted Musk.

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