Google’s Misuse Of Market Dominance, Monopoly: Is Obama Administration Supporting Its Unethical Business Practices?

| Mar 23, 2015 03:18 AM EDT

Google and Obama Links

Allegations of unethical business practices, misuse of monopoly and protective shielding by Obama administration have surfaced against the search giant Google, again.

According to a Federal Trade Commission report, Google has 'harmed consumers and competitors' by using its market dominance and internet influence.

However, legal actions were not taken. The FTC had voted unanimously to stop investigation into Google in early 2013.

The 2012 report made by FTC staff stated that Google caused "harm to many vertical competitors", such as Yelp, Tripadvisor, and Amazon.

The allegation is that Google had scraped and lifted content from these companies, and threatened them of "internet death" by removing them from search rankings when they complained.

There are some other serious allegations, too.

Google has also been alleged to support illegal traffickers of drugs and other controlled substances.

Some ads for pills Google promoted were fake and dangerous substances manufactured in India, China, and Barbados, according to The register. Google brought the dangerous substances within reach of all, resolving the issues that made acquiring these drugs complicated otherwise.

A sting operation by FTC and FDA revealed that Google had created a marketplace by extending credit lines.

Google also advised traffickers how to optimize and improve their Adwords advertisements to reach the Americans, according to the report.

David Wood, legal counsel to ICOMP, which represents complainants against Google said, "It is a fascinating insight into Google's practices."

But those practices went on unhindered. The closeness of Google with Obama administration may have saved it from an impending danger.

These are all allegations, however. Google never accepted that it had "wronged" anyone.

Google general counsel Kent Walker has said, "Speculation about potential consumer harm turned out to be entirely wrong."

Google is a leading Silicon Valley supporter of Obama administration. The company was the second largest donor to Obama's political campaign for a second term as the US president, according to The Guardian.

The benefits and perks offered for this kind of donations and such types of political and business marriages are known to all. But, if true, the connection may harm many.

The FTC later made a statement that the report was an unredacted copy which was accidentally released. Google's responses to the issue have been limited, though.

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