For High Quality and Cheap Prices, Chinese E-Shoppers Opt to Buy Baby Goods Overseas

| Mar 27, 2015 06:41 AM EDT

Chinese women now have more decision-making capabilities in the household compared to a few decades back.

Chinese virtual shoppers opt to purchase baby goods from abroad, stating the foreign brands’ superior quality and economical prices, according to a Want China Times report.

In 2014, China has recorded a total of 20-million increase from its previous year’s 18 million shoppers who buy overseas baby goods via Web-based platforms. Among the items they are buying are baby clothes and baby food.

According to the report, Chinese e-shoppers spent a total of 216 billion yuan for baby goods in 2013, increasing to 1 trillion yuan in 2014.

The report also showed that the most active buyers are the young mothers whose purchased items include clothing, make-ups, diapers, baby lotion, health foods and milk powder.

Japan-based e-commerce and Internet firm Rakuten Global Market stated that about three-quarter of its foreign customers are Chinese. Its March 18 announcement also remarked that sales in China have grown to a more-than-double figure within a one-year period.

According to the Japanese company, its Chinese customers typically bought wet tissues, thin mattresses, diapers and cosmetics.

In a Dec. 2014 China Daily report, a Nielsen study revealed that Chinese are keen in buying overseas goods online.

From the poll’s 4,500 respondents, 32 percent stated that they buy goods from abroad via e-commerce sites. Almost half of the surveyed adult Internet users were women.

Among the products that the respondents buy, mother-and-baby goods came at the third spot, occupying a 30-percent share on the pie. Apparel, accessories and handbags comprised 43 percent, while personal care and cosmetic products occupied 41 percent.

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