'Star Trek' Tale Of Parallel Universe To Come True? Large Hadron Collider Would Soon Prove Its Existence

| Mar 27, 2015 02:19 AM EDT


There might soon be proof that parallel universe does exist after all, according to the latest report by the Escapist MagazineA large hadron collider will be used to prove this theory from the scientific point of view.

We have seen the existence of such parallel universe in many science fiction movies like "Star Trek" and "Bio Shock," but will the scientists actually succeed in proving that there is an actual parallel universe?

Recently, quantum mechanics has put forward that idea that answers the above question with a yes. The European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN is engaging in a high intensity project which will soon prove to the world that a parallel universe is not far from us.

The theory which will be used to prove it is the string theory. This theory has by far proved everything that exists, from plants to water to human beings. This theory, combined with CERN's large collider, will create a replica of the universe which they are trying to prove exists. If they succeed, the world will never be the same.

According to CBC, it is exciting and challenging at the same time as the large hadron collider will be observed for black holes, if any, in an attempt to prove the existence of a parallel universe. If there are black holes, it will support the string theory and will imply the possibility that a parallel universe is out there.

But there is one catch. This experiment is really very dangerous. Creating a black hole is not as easy as it may sound. When a black hole is created, it sucks in all the mass that surrounds in to absolute nothingness. They are unstable, but the only way this theory can be proved, say scientists at CERN.

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