Bald Eagles Abandon Pittsburg Nest After their Second Egg is Lost; Maybe Back Next Year

| Mar 30, 2015 10:17 AM EDT

Bald Eagle

Western Pennsylvania has a bald pair of eagles who have apparently left their nest after the second egg got lost from their nest, York Dispatch reported. A team of local biologists and eagle camera watchers observed this particular scenario and watched for eaglets, but all they saw was the eagles leaving and totally abandoning their nests.

One of the birds threw away one of the parts of the egg last Friday in the Pittsburgh's Hays neighborhood, which led the observers to believe that the eagles will totally abandon their nest and fly away.

Even though the birds have abandoned their nest, they make repetitive visits and check out the nest, says The Audubon Society of western Pennsylvania scientists.

These birds are expected to make their full return in the next nesting season, Observer Reporter stated. Scientists said that they will be back next year. They also state the fact that last year, these birds raised three full youngsters were very successful in keeping them alive for the whole time, without any hassles whatsoever. Thus, it is very possible for the bald eagles to make their return next year and raise more eggs, which may hatch out to make eaglets that time.

Eagles were seen in Pittsburgh for more than three years now and they were the first ones to make their nest in this city in more than 150 years. Scientists fear that at this rate, the entire breed of eagles in Pittsburgh might get endangered and then extinct. Three eagles per year is not an ideal rate to maintain the ecosystem in a healthy way, according to the report.

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