Baby Boy Born Without A Nose Is Taking The World By A Storm Through Social Media

| Apr 06, 2015 04:56 AM EDT

Eli Thompson

A baby boy named Eli Thompson who was born without a nose on March 4 is taking the world by a storm through the internet via social media.

The little boy was born without a nose because he is suffering from a complete congenital arhinia. Congenital arhinia, the absence of the nose, is a very rare condition with only 30 cases reported so far as of today.

Brandi McGlathery, the baby's mother, has been updating his Facebook page entitled "Eli's Story" since he was born. The baby boy remained in the hospital for almost a month after he was born and was released on Monday, according to Facebook posts. She is doing this to research and reach out to anyone who has the same condition.

The baby boy had a tracheotomy five days after he was born to be able to help him breathe. No reconstructive surgeries will be made until the baby reaches puberty. This type of condition affects a person's pituitary gland which secretes hormones during puberty age, according to Medical Daily.

 On the little baby's page, many commenters post their remarks to the baby Thompson as a "blessing," "cute," "precious," "handsome," "lovely," "beautiful," "special," "adorable," and "gorgeous." The family have been receiving continuous comments and support from different countries such as New Zealand, Turkey, Canada, Holland, Ireland, Pakistan, Singapore, Brazil, and England.

To add more to the well wishes received for the little baby, a woman sent a photo of her holding a handmade quilt. The photo has a caption saying she wanted to make a quilt for the baby.

The family McGlathery posted a call for help to try and reach out to everyone who wishes to help them fund the bills as they expect this to cost more than they can afford.

They have t-shirts made about "Eli's Story" for sale to help them raise funds.

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