Marvel Animated Series and DTV Games Connects With Marvel Cinematic Universe

| Apr 06, 2015 04:55 AM EDT

Marvel's Avengers

There is a possibility for Marvel to inject concepts from its animated series and direct-to-video releases into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Marvel has the power to integrate their animated series to the big screen, as per Cinema Blend. Some series that can be brought to live action are "Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H." and "Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes." In addition, direct-to-video games such as "Iron Man & hulk: Heroes United" and "Iron Man & Captain America: Heroes United" are additional options that can be tied into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as per Cinema Blend.

Meanwhile, Marvel Vice President of Animation Development and Production and panel moderator Cort Lane showed Marvel's plans on their animated series during the last day of Emerald City Comic Con 2015, according to Newsarama.

Lane began with the clip from the last episode of "Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors" in "Spider-Verse" arc, teasing fans that they might meet Spider-Girl, Miles Morales, and Spider-Man 2099 in the future. He also revealed that there will be new episodes for "Ultimate Spider-Man" in July. It will have a new storyline called "S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy."

Lane also opened up about the forthcoming "Avengers Disassembled" in the "Avengers Assemble" arc. Spider-Man was also revealed joining the Avengers following Captain America's departure to combat the Adaptoid, which was controlled by Ultron. The first Avenger also has a new costume in the said episode. Meanwhile, the web-slinger Spider-Man saves the Avengers from Ultron using his web shield. Moreover, Iron Man activated his "final protocol" in order to stop Ultron. This also puts an end to his laboratory and the Avengers tower.

Captain America and Iron Man will get into a conflict, just like in the upcoming film "Civil War." Late also said that Captain America will start a new Avengers team. Black Widow, Falcon, and Hulk will join his side.

A question and answer session followed. Lane said that the kid Avengers will not be involved in the "Avengers Disassembled." He also revealed that a concept that takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe will be produced by the animation team. "I can't announce anything, but things are in the works," he said. Lane also shared a clip from the upcoming "Guardians of the Galaxy" series, showing how the Guardians were brought together as well as the starting point of Rocket's friendship with Groot.

Next in line for Marvel Cinematic Universe is "Avengers: Age of Ultron", which is slated to premiere in theaters on May 1. 

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