‘Supernatural’ Season 10, Episode 17 ‘Inside Man’ Recap: Bobby Helps Sam And Castiel, Rowena Goes After Dean

| Apr 06, 2015 04:54 AM EDT

Cast member Jared Padalecki (L) speaks next to writer Jeremy Carver (C) and co-star Jensen Ackles at a panel for The CW television series "Supernatural" during the Television Critics Association Cable

A fan-favorite character appears in "Supernatural" Season 10, episode 17 titled "Inside Man." Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Castiel (Misha Collins) ask Bobby Singer (Jim Beaver) for help in their plan of finding a way to get rid of the Mark of Cain on Dean Winchester's (Jensen Ackles) arm.

The episode begins with Sam, Castiel and a man contacting Bobby in Heaven. Sam wakes up 24 hours earlier to Dean's screams from his nightmares in the Men of Letters bunker.

The next day, Sam tells Dean there is no case to work on. Sam says he wants to see a movie so Dean declares he will have some "me-time" while Sam is away.

It turns out Sam lied to Dean because he meets up with Castiel to talk about saving Dean from his current situation. In her room, Rowena (Ruth Connell) paints symbols on her body.

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) thinks his witch mother is up to something. Rowena tells Crowley she has a date with a guy named Trent.

Sam and Castiel arrive at the gate of Heaven. An angel tells Castiel that he is not allowed upstairs. Sam and Castiel find out the order comes from angel Hannah (Erica Carroll).

Castiel tells Hannah, who is in a different vessel, that they only want to talk to Metatron about getting rid of the Mark of Cain. Hannah explains she cannot grant Castiel's request because Metatron is dangerous.

Three more angels show up behind Hannah. Sam knows he and Castiel cannot fight off four angels so he walks away and tells Castiel they will work on Plan B.

Rowena asks her date to trace a phone call that Crowley made in order to find the Winchesters' location. Sam and Castiel head to the home of Oliver Pryce, a psychic that the Men of Letters trained before they were brutally slaughtered.

Oliver Pryce reads from Sam and Castiel's mind their plan of breaking Metatron out of Heaven's prison with the help of their inside man. Sam uses Bobby's cap as a medium to contact his soul in Heaven.

Dean hangs out at a bar and plays a pool game with three guys. Dean suggests that they should play again for a higher bet. The guy's money is not enough so Dean asks him to include his watch.

Dean walks away with the cash and watch he won from the pool game. Rowena arrives at the bar. Dean briefly sees his eyes turn demon black again while washing his face in the bathroom.

Bobby finds out about Dean's current issue with the Mark of Cain. Castiel wants Bobby to escape from his cell and open the gate of Heaven so he can enter and break Metatron out of prison.

Rowena has turned the three guys at the bar into monsters and they attack Dean. Rowena takes off her coat and performs a spell on Dean using the symbols she painted on her body. However, the powerful spell did not work on the Winchester hunter.

Rowena tells Dean she wants the Winchesters gone in her son's life. Dean finds out that Rowena's son is Crowley, the King of Hell.

Bobby finds a way to get out of his cell in Heaven. An upset Rowena heads back to Crowley's kingdom after her plan against Dean Winchester failed.

Crowley tells Rowena her spell did not work because Dean has the Mark of Cain. Rowena wants Crowley to do something against the Winchesters as the King of Hell. Crowley tells Rowena that Sam and Dean are exactly where he wants them to be.

Dean and Crowley have a drink while talking about Rowena, the Mark of Cain, the changes in their lives and family. Crowley tells Dean that the Mark of Cain is just a curse but Rowena does not know how to get rid of it.

Crowley also tells Dean that his mother thinks he has gone soft. Dean explains to Crowley that a wise man once told him that family does not end in blood.

Bobby and Castiel succeed in breaking Metatron out of Heaven prison. Castiel takes Metatron's grace.

Sam asks how to get rid of the Mark of Cain on Dean. Metatron divulges that the process involves old magic that is God-level or Lucifer-level.

Metatron tells Castiel that there is still some left of his angel grace and they can go to where it is kept. Crowley returns home and kicks Rowena out his kingdom.

Sam receives a letter from Bobby and reads it in his room in the Men of Letters bunker. Bobby warns that going behind Dean's back may not be a good idea.

"Supernatural" Season 10 returns with episode 18 titled "Book of the Damned" on April 15, Wednesday night at 9 p.m. ET on the CW Network.

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