HyperKin Launches an iPhone GameBoy Case With Retro Design and Buttons

| Apr 06, 2015 10:03 AM EDT

Hyperkin Smart Boy

The age of Nintendo is long gone because the company has reinvented itself with Wii U console but gamers still love everything that is retro. Hyperkin's new Gameboy case is a perfect example.

The idea started off as a way to fool gamers but the prank later evolved into a business proposal. Hyperkin is a company which is known for its innovative products. They have launched a lot of them in the past but the new announcement has made them really popular among gamers of all age groups.

Most users around the globe own an iPhone and there are plenty of good games on it. But, the touch screen is a hindrance which didn't allow players to experience the titles as they are meant to be. Physicals controls are always preferred by users which is why the GameBoy case received such support, The Next Digit reported.

Images of the case first emerged on social media websites and most assumed that it is an April fool's prank. Later on, when the original announcement came, people started getting interested in the device. 

The case is elegantly designed so as to fit an iPhone within without any discomfort and all the buttons used in the case are directly inspired by Nintendo's handheld console. The company is always known for copyright claims and it is not confirmed whether they will try to take down this case as well, Gamespot stated.

The Smart Boy case comes with an integrated battery which the company confirmed will easily deliver up to five hours of gaming. It has an independent control system and the iPhone 6 or any other device from the iPhone family will only be used as a display.

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