Manny Pacquiao Vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr.: It'll Be ‘Good Against Evil’ Fight Pacquiao’s, Trainer Freddie Roach Reveals

| Apr 08, 2015 02:12 AM EDT

Pacquiao vs. Mayweather

The May 2 fight between Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather Jr. has been declared as one of the most awaited fights. Freddie Roach, Pacquiao's trainer has stated that the upcoming fight is "good against evil." Pacquiao's determination to defeat Mayweather Jr. comes from the latter's connection with domestic violence.

According to Roach, Pacquiao strictly condemns domestic violence.

"It is a big issue maybe in the Philippines for him and being a congressman he can control some of that stuff. That is a big plus for me that Manny does not like the guy, I think the killer instinct is going to come back a lot faster," Roach said to USA Today.

Mayweather Jr. has been associated with not one or two but seven cases of physical assault with five women. Back in 2012, the unbeaten athlete had to spend two months in a detention facility in Nevada for domestic violence against Josei Harris. The attack was by seen by two sons of Mayweather Jr.

Apart from Pacquiao, Roach is a strong supporter against domestic violence. He said that he knows that Mayweather Jr. is a "bad guy."

"(I see the fight as) good against evil, yes," Roach said. "I have even thought about bringing a couple of the metro cops from Vegas in to tell Manny how many times (Mayweather) has been arrested and how bad of a guy he is, but I decided I can't go that far. He already doesn't like him; I think we are OK."

He added that this is the first time for Manny Pacquiao that he hasn't liked his opponent.

Manny Pacquiao meets Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 2.

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