One Direction Is Officially A Foursome, First Ever Poster Without Zayn Malik Revealed

| Apr 13, 2015 05:08 AM EDT

One Direction

Britain-based band One Direction recently released the promotional poster of the band for their "On The Road Again" tour and it is officially just the four members sans Zayn Malik.

This is not the first time that Malik was omitted from the band's promotional materials as he was already removed from the promotional videos after he officially announced that he already left the band.

Although a lot of fans are still not over the fact that Malik is no longer part of the band, they still went on with the release of the new poster. The poster is just like the first poster when Malik was still part of the band showing the foursome printed in black and white with only their clothes colored.

According to Metro, the first poster showed that Modest, the management of the band, is still printed in the old one but for the newly-released poster, no other information is written. It is not yet clear whether the band is still under the same management as rumors circulated weeks ago that One Direction is no longer part of Modest.

Also, the band is still playing for their scheduled tours all over the world as despite the difficult situation, they chose to stay as a group and keep on performing. Different photos of the foursome and interviews with them show that they are having a great time despite the setback they had to face.

The band is also prepping up for their fifth album entitled "Four" and the parts originally sang by Malik were already changed.

Meanwhile, according to The Hollywood Reporter, fans of Malik are outraged over the comments made by MTV Movie Awards host Amy Schumer over the weekend. According to the actress, the person who will be taking the place of Malik is the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, who just announced her official candidacy for the United States Presidential Race this 2016. 

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