Donald Trump On Twitter Feud With T-Mobile CEO John Legere: 'T-Mobile Service Is Terrible!’

| Apr 14, 2015 12:53 PM EDT

"Celebrity Apprentice" host Donald Trump

Donald Trump. CEO of Trump hotels and properties all over the globe, sent out a message via Twitter this weekend as a reply to T-Mobile's CEO John Legere.

The Twitter feud started when Legere sent out a comment the he is not very happy with his stay at the Trump Hotel in New York. The service was not very good, street musicians are too loud that it disturbs his peace and could not relax with all the noises. He implied that all that New York is about are noises specifically designed to disrupt peace, according to CNET.

Legere's tweet was replied by Trump himself. The reply came out as a surprise to the telecom giant's CEO.

Trump responded with his tweet saying how terrible is T-Mobile's services.

"T-Mobile service is terrible! Why can't you do something to improve it for your customers? I don't want it in my buildings," Trump tweeted on Saturday as a reply to Legere's tweet.

The tweet battle continued as Legere replied to it as well. He disclosed that their company will serve all its customers in the US with better service but will make sure to leave Trump hotels basing on the recent event. He sent the tweet with a #checkingout.

The Twitter-feud did not end there since the Trump sent out another bash claiming his victory.

"T Mobile service sucks and it took a Trump to call him out! @realDonaldTrump for President!" Trump tweeted as a reply to Legere's checking out of his hotel.

Legere being a candid and brash persona, sent out another message saying that he is so happy to wake up in a hotel where all items are not labeled "Trump" and all TV channels and books are all about him, CNN reported.

Trump tweeted until Sunday claiming that Verizon was the best service provider.

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