E-cigarette Users Face Increased Risk Of Not Being Able To Quit Smoking , New Study Reveals

| Apr 17, 2015 01:48 AM EDT

A woman smokes an e-cigarette.

For long time proponents of e-cigarettes as a tool for smokers to quit nicotine addictions, a new study has revealed e-cigarettes may increase the risk of users being less likely to stop smoking.

The findings of a study which were published recently in the American Journal of Public Health claimed those who used e-cigarettes were more likely to continue smoking than those who had not used the device.

The study was led by lead researcher Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy, who heads the Global Public Health Department at the University of California's San Diego School of Medicine.

Dr. Al-Delaimy and his team monitored the smoking behaviours of a 1,000 smokers in California.

Researchers of the study found that those who used e-cigarettes were more than 50 percent likely to continue smoking than individuals who hadn't used an e-cigarette.

Also, Dr. Al-Delaimy told WebMD that the study was based on the idea that those who used e-cigarettes were using it for the main purpose of the cessation of smoking. He said the study's hypothesis was based on the belief that the e-cigarettes could be more successful in helping smokers quit.

"One hypothesis is that smokers are receiving an increase in nicotine dose by using e-cigarettes," Dr. Al-Delaimy said.

However, the findings of the study Dr. Al-Delaimy told the publication revealed the exact opposite.

While the study suggests that those who use e-cigarettes are at a potentially higher risk of not being able to quit, Dr. Al-Delaimy said in its abstarct more studies needed to be done to answer 'why' quitting was hard for e-cigarette users.

Anti-smoking researchers believe the study's findings cast a doubt on the ability of e-cigarettes to contribute towards the cessation of smoking in users at all.

Director of the Center for Tobacco Control at the North Shore-LIJ Health System in New York, Patricia Folan said that the results of the study indicated the potential to increase the risk of smoking among e-cigarette users.

Folan said the misinformation or the knowledge gap about e-cigarettes was largely being spread by those in the e-cigarette industry with a dearth of scientific information being made available to the public.

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