9 Practical Earth-Friendly Tips For Earth Day 2015 And Every Other Day

| Apr 19, 2015 05:23 AM EDT

Earth Day 2015

Earth Day 2015 is fast approaching. Seattle, one of the United States' most Earth-friendly cities, has a goal of becoming "carbon neutral" by the year 2050. It provides some practical tips for making Earth Day 2015 and every other day of the year greener.

When choosing household products, avoid using those that have harsh manmade chemicals. Alternatives include fabric shopping bags, biodegradable laundry soap, and pelindaba lavender hydrosol.  

Instead of throwing away paper coffee cups, purchase a reusable Starbucks cup for hot drinks, and one for cold drinks. Plus, Starbucks gives a ten cent discount for using the cup at their shops, according to KOMO News.

Rather than throwing paperboard items into the garbage can, save them for recycling. Coffee cup sleeves and empty cereal boxes can be easily saved, according to Atlanta Journal Constitution.

Online tools to track energy usage are available. This includes changes in the costs of light, water, cooling, and heating.

Donate to organizations that make every day Earth Day. Some ones to consider are Earthjustice, The Sierra Club, and The Conservation Fund.

Clothing recycling is an idea for clothing that fits poorly, is worn-out, or is yesterday's fashion. Some green solutions include recycling clothing stores such as H&M, and Goodwill Industries.

Moving materials can be recycled. Bubble wrap and foam peanuts can be reused at shipping stores.

Certain materials can be recycled even when one's recycling service does not accept them. For example, grocery bags, plastic film, and sometimes foam items can be returned to grocery stores.

Composting is a green way to get rid of food scraps. One can visit a local composter, or launch a compost program in one's backyard.   

Most importantly, remember the Golden Rule for a greener Earth: "Think globally, act locally."

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