Workers Using Adderall Like Stimulants To Help Improve Concentration, Memory; Doctors Warn Of Long-Term Risks

| Apr 21, 2015 06:54 PM EDT


Medical professionals have expressed concern over the widespread manner in which stimulants like Adderall are being used to boost performance.

This is fast becoming a trend though the long term implication from overuse of such medicines can be grave, warn doctors. Overdose of stimulants can lead to anxiety, addiction and hallucinations.

Adderall, Vyvanse and Concerta are among the more sought after stimulants right now. 

What the doctors claimed to be an even more worrying trend is that the use of such stimulants seems to be proliferating among the working class as well, stated Science Recorder.

Previously, such medicines were used mostly by the student community. In an ideal world, it is those who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder characterised by impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inability to focus that are prescribed such stimulants.  

However, doctors have said there is a spurt in cases of using the stimulants among the working class that cite pressure in the workplace that has forced them to turn to stimulants.

"We are definitely seeing more than one year ago, more than two years ago, especially in the age range of 25 to 45," said Dr. Kimberly Dennis, the medical director of Timberline Knolls, a substance-abuse treatment facility for women outside Chicago as quoted in The New York Times.

Another way for many to get hooked up to stimulants is seeing their peers doing the same. They obviously don't want to be left out or be seen as under-performing. With the stimulants, they can work for longer hours without being stressed out. No wonder, these have comes to be identified as smart pills.

An easy way for many to obtain the stimulants is to feign symptoms of AAHD to doctors who prescribe the drugs without a proper evaluation. Those who use the drugs also often sell them to other for cash. This, in spite of the fact that obtaining or selling medicines without a valid prescription from a registered medical practitioner is a federal crime.

Some companies have banned the use of such stimulants on grounds of safety. The Federal Aviation Authority too has made it mandatory for pilot to refrain from taking any sort of stimulants, more so before flights.

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