Meet Alex - The First Female Character in 'Minecraft'

| Apr 29, 2015 12:45 PM EDT

Minecraft In XBox One.

Female "Minecraft" fans are happy as finally the game's designers are debutting Alex as the first female character in the game and she is going to make her debut on Wednesday.

There has not been an alternative to Steve, the male character in the game unless mods are used. However, now female gamers, of which there are plenty, can now pick Alex as the lead character for free and build their virtual world.

The new character boasts of thin arms, red hair and a ponytail, according to Minecraft's Owen Hill. Alex and Steve are now the only default characters available for free.

Alex is an integral part of the game now. However, previously she was present as one of the more random characters of not much significance, but now she is key to the plot in recognition of the viewers demand, according to Guardian.

The game's parent company Mojang on its official blog had a statement from Owen Hill recognizing everyone's love for Steve for being the most famous minecrafter in the world and also for his stubble, according to Time.

The developers felt that they needed to offer some diversity to their users in order for them to appeal to a wider range of audience. Hence they needed to introduce Alex to appease the growing female fan base for the game. This move will indeed give more fillip to female gamers to create their own world. Through Alex, they can also relate with the game better.

Independent game designing company Mojong released "Minecraft" in 2011. It is a "sanbox" game which involves the user to explore, gather resources, construct and combat. The game has become ever so popular ever since its release.

The game was originally developed and released for the PC. The popularity forced the developers to release Anroid & iOS versions as well as X Box and Playstation versions also releasing subsequently.

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