Google Search Reveals America’s Most Racist States and Higher Black Mortality Rates

| Apr 30, 2015 05:33 PM EDT

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A recent study revealed United States' most racist states and regions that were also linked to higher Black morality rates.   

The most racist regions are in the rural South and rural Northeast, according to the study. The study based resultson the searches for the "N-word" on Google.

The study was reported in the journal PLOS ONE, according to WCPO. Americans actually search for the N-word more than terms such as "sweater," "migraine," and even "Lakers."

Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, the study's author, in a past paper measured  how racist attitudes affected the chance of Barack Obama being elected president. The researcher noted that it was "unlikely" to be reduced due to great social censoring.

The Washington Post points out that not all online searches for the N-word are related to racism. However, a study that includes many years and many millions of searches is fairly accurate in determining where a certain type of racist attitude is most common.

The method that the researchers used is in line with other methods social scientists have measured racist attitudes with. In fact, their methods are connected "strongly" with them, according to Immortal.

The Appalachians on the East Coast and the Gulf Coast region are some of the most racist Googling areas in the U.S. Other racist pockets include Ohio, Kentucky, and Michigan's upper Peninsula.

Areas with minimal racist Google searches include the Midwest and West regions. In fact, no region west of Texas is in the category "much more" racism than average.

The racist Google searchers also were linked to higher mortality rates for African-Americans. Racist Google searches were linked to a 8.2 percent increase.

The authors explained that racism can affect the victims in several ways. These include their "mental and physical" health, and finances.

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