Zayn Malik Justifies Dig At One Direction Member Louis Tomlinson On Twitter: 'I Was Defending Myself'

| May 07, 2015 09:34 AM EDT

One Direction In November 2014

Zayn Malik begged his fans to stop attacking him on Twitter after an ugly spat with his former band mate Louis Tomlinson. 

The boy band drama started when Malik's collaborator and music producer, Naughty Boy, uploaded a pic of him and Malik with a photo filter with a message, "Replace This." 

One Direction singer apparently got offended with the message thinking it as a leg pulling by the producer over the rumors that the band is on look out for singers to replace Malik. Tomlinson subtweeted the Naughty Boy's uploaded pic, calling them childish.

"Remember when you were 12 and you used to think those Mac filters for your pictures were cool haha ! Some people still do HA," tweeted Tomlinson to poke a fun at the producer's picture.

Tomlison's message triggered the online spat between him and the producers who in turn allegedly poked fun at the singer that some people cannot even sing while Tomlinson accused Naughty Boy of riding on someone else's career.

The Twitter comment made by Tomlinson probably irritated Malik, who jumped in to defend the producer in his solo music career. Ex-band member of One Direction called out Tomlinson for making bitchy about him in the micro-logging site, Buzzfeed reported. The tweet is now deleted.

Reacting to Malik's harsh comments on his former co-member, fans of the band 1D trended a new hashtag #TOMLINSONSLAYSAGAIN to attack Malik for betraying his former band. Some sounded disappointed while other online commentators were reportedly shocked to see the 22-year-old turn against his old pal, especially after saying that his  bandmates Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Niall Horan will remain 'friends for life' in a statement released on his exit from One Direction two months ago, Daily Mail reported.

Meanwhile, Malik, who is a self confessed sporadic social media user, tweeted a message saying that he is being attacked unnecessarily when he was just trying to defend himself. The singer also professed his love for his fans in the message. Both Malik and Tomlinsonspat are yet to comment on the matter.

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