Saturn's Moon Enceladus Blows Out Thick Curtains Of Vapor Not Accidental Vapor Jets

| May 08, 2015 07:40 PM EDT


The eruptions on Saturn's moon Enceladus have proven that its vaporous eruptions were curtains of vapor and not discreet jets.

Recent data analysis from the Cassini spacecraft of NASA suggested that what have appeared to be shots of vapor jets on the moon's surface were phantoms brought about by an optical illusion created by long curtains of vapors, Astronomy Magazine reported.

The Institute of Planetary Science's Joseph Spitale said, "We all think that most of our observed activities represent thick, curtain folds of erupted water vapors from the 'tiger stripe' fractures, rather than occasional, intermittent geysers that go with these events."

"Most of it appear like prominent jets shooting every now and then," Spitale added. "But most of the activities that are seen in the series of images could be explained without the presence of discrete jets."

Cassini's eruptions images on Enceladus, a glow in the background is visible, in a manner that appeared superimposed by vapor jets' images.

The scientists investigated the models that showed the long water vapor curtains during the eruptions, running its length in fractures. They were able to found out that the glowing effect was produced when the curtain eruptions were viewed through thick folds of vapor sheets.

Spitale explained that the method of viewing played a crucial role in identifying where the jets would appear. If the perspective was rotated around the south pole of Enceladus, the phantom jets will then tend to follow an appear-and-disappear scheme.

Meanwhile, previous reports of Cassini probe's Enceladus analysis showed that its water vapor is rich in organic chemicals and that it is originating from an ocean that is located in moon's southern most part, VOX wrote.

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