11 Year-Old Genius Graduates with 3 college degrees; Aims to Become US President

| May 22, 2015 11:05 PM EDT

Child genius Tanishq Abraham

Child genius and prodigy Tanishq Abraham graduated with three associate degrees in math, science and foreign language studies from American River College in Sacramento, California on May 20.

The 11 year-old Indian-American genius earned the triple degrees only one year after graduating from high school. He said his ultimate aim is to become President of the United States. Failing that, he'll settle on becoming a Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine or a medical researcher.

He was the youngest student ever to enroll in on-campus graded courses at ARC. He began taking classes at ARC when he was seven. This allowed him to finish his three college degrees only one year after graduating from high school. 

On his Twitter account, Tanishq tweeted "4 yrs later-3 college degrees-Vry HAPPY."

He told NBC graduating college wasn't "much of a big thing". He also said he wasn't very nervous when he started taking courses at ARC.

With an enrolment of 35,000 full-time and part-time students, American River College (ARC) in Sacramento is one of the largest community colleges in California.

It's the choice of many students in the greater Sacramento area and is a launching point for later transfer to competitive four-year universities such as the University of California, Davis and California State University, Sacramento. It transfers more students to UC Davis and CSU Sacramento than any other community college.

Tarnishq said he hopes to go to the UC Davis Medical School.

Tanishq and his sister, Tara, are members of Mensa International, the association of geniuses. He joined Mensa when he was four.

His graduation cap was emblazoned with the popular Toy Story phrase, "To Infinity and Beyond" uttered by Buzz Lightyear.

According to press reports, his only friends at ARC were some of his middle-aged female classmates.

Born in Sacramento to Bijou Abraham, a software engineer, and his wife Dr. Taji Abraham, a doctor of veterinary medicine, Tanishq showed signs of a high IQ at an early age.

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