New Bionic Lens Can Improve Eyesight Three Times Better Than 20/20

| May 25, 2015 06:28 AM EDT

The Bionic Lens can improve eyesight three times better than 20/20

A new kind of technology called the bionic lens can now render eyeglasses and contact lenses obsolete that are developed by optometrist Garth Webb of the Ocumetics Technology Corporation.

This particular "Ocumetics Bionic Lens"  can now allow patients to possess superhuman vision that is three times more improved than the standard 20/20. Apart from this crystal clear benefit, this new treatment can also correct all other leading eye ailments such as cataracts, astigmatism and even near and far sightedness.

Scientists from the Ocumetrics Technology Corporation explain that this Bionic Lens works by implanting it into the eye during a procedure that will only take eight minutes. The required operation is similar to cataract surgery where this procedure involves removing the eye's lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.

Optometrists assure that this special procedure is painless and would neither require anaesthesia or even an overnight stay post surgery at the hospital.

The exact procedure involves a saline solution filled syringe that will place the lens on the eye with the bionic lens under ten seconds that will immediately unfold like a tattoo for implant on the eye, immediately correcting eye sight.

This bionic lens implant can produce sharper images where there is no apparent lag time even when the focus shifts. Webb adds that this lens is not just designed to attain beyond perfect vision but this can add protection to the patient's natural lens from decay.

Webb also adds that the bionic lens can also prevent frequent visits to the optometrist to adjust or fix contact lenses or glasses. He also assures that those who already have bionic lenses will never suffer from cataracts anymore since the natural lens of the eyes that are prone to damage will now be replaced by these artificial lens.

Users will not also have to worry about the safety of using bionic lens during the rest of their lifetimes as they are made from material that does not cause unwanted biophysical changes inside the eyeball. The quality of the wearer's vision will also not degrade or deteriorate over time where Webb claims that the lens can last for 100 years.

When the lens gets approved, the cost of the lens along with the surgery can reach up to US $1,000. Hopefully, the Ocumetrics Bionic Lens will be available in 2017 but this is not for individuals under 25 years old as the eyeball structure has not been developed yet. 

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