'Distractingly Sexy' Female Scientists Reveal Sexy Outfits Against Sexist Remark from Nobel Laureate

| Jun 13, 2015 05:57 AM EDT

Hazmats are indeed sexy.

Nobel laureate Tim Hunt could now be in real "trouble with girls" not only those who could be distracting him in the laboratory but from all the other lady scientists around the world on Twitter right now with the trending #DistractinglySexy hashtag as a response to his equally sexist comment he made earlier this week. 

Hunt is a 72 year old biochemist who received the 2001 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine where he commented at the World Conference of Science Journalists in South Korea last Monday that women are too sexy and tempting and are even crybabies in a professional lab setting.

He says more accurately that he had trouble with girls where three things happen when they are near you in the lab, where you fall in love with them, then they fall in love with you and then when they are criticized, they cry. 

Ever since he made this controversial comment, Hunt has then apologized on BBC radio however his regret seems to be rooted from his sexist comments where he told BBC that it was a very stupid thing to do in the presence of all those international journalists.

He even continued saying that he was actually truthful about having trouble with girls where he further explained how distracting these emotional entanglements with female lab members during the course of his career, according to BBC.

Meanwhile, an online uproar from lady scientists especially on Twitter showed Hunt how right he was about how women in the scientific field can be so "distractingly sexy" where photos of scientists revealed themselves in sexy suits -- protective gear, picking animal guts and even examining bizarre specimens and poop which are all obviously nothing short of sexy and endearing.

Female scientists are so irresistible at work, sex appeal just oozes out of their hazmats and gas masks.

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