'Deadpool' Cannot Cross Over With 'X-Men,' Ryan Reynolds Reveals Why

| Jul 09, 2015 09:16 AM EDT

Deadpool VS Wolverine

Ryan Reynolds, who plays the Deadpool, has given away the reason why the Merc with the Mouth cannot have a cross over with the "X-Men."

In Reynolds' interview with Screen Rant, Deadpool is a character who is aware that he is in a comic book film, which sets him apart from other Marvel characters like the X-Men. Also called the "Merc with the Mouth," Deadpool has the inclination to state actors' actual names in place of the names of the characters they are playing in the film.

According to Cinema Blend, Deadpool's non-conformity and ability to recognize realism hinders him from appearing in other Marvel films; nonetheless, this can be dealt by the ingenious thoughts of the production team. Just like in the comics, fans may find it amusing to see the Merc with the Mouth make puns on the X-Men.

For Reynolds, he has no idea at this point on how the character will be injected into a realm that does not break the fourth wall. While a cross over between Deadpool and the X-Men is not highly feasible at the moment, the "Green Lantern" actor also expressed his interest to seeing the Marvel characters in one film.

For now, Bryan Singer's "X-Men: Apocalypse" is the closest "X-Men" franchise film to hit the big screen and it serves as the final installment of the "X-Men: First Class" film series. It stars "X-Men: First Class" actors like Ian McKellen, Patrick Stewart, James McAvoy, and Michael Fassbender, among others.

Meanwhile, "Deadpool" stars Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Gina Carano, Rachel Sheen, Brianna Hildebrand, and Andre Tricoteux, among others.

Miller's "Deadpool" is slated to premiere in theaters on Feb. 12, 2016 while Singer's "X-Men: Apocalypse" is set to hit the big screen on May 27, 2016. 

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