‘Street Fighter V’ Servers Taken Down After Issues Ensue, Beta Extended

| Jul 27, 2015 11:08 AM EDT

The "Street Fighter V" game will have an all new Necalli character with animalistic fighting style.

With so many new features and mechanics coming into "Street Fighter V," it is not surprising that developer Capcom is opening its doors for a beta run as early as a year before release date. Yet with the first beta experience that is supposedly exclusive to PS4 players, fans are already seeing some issues with the beta run.

Technically, this is an understandable occurrence, considering that the point of the beta is to test the servers of the game and find points that need to be fixed. One good thing that players can get is the promise of an extended beta to compensate for the various issues and reset servers. Over at Twitter, Capcom has been continually updating fans of the state of the servers.

This month's beta run for "Street Fighter V" is just one of many. Capcom has already promised that there will be multiple beta runs coming, so those who may not have the chance to really enjoy the first run will still have something to look forward to.

Since server stability has been intermittent at best, Capcom has already limited the beta for North America for the meantime. Players in Asia and Europe are still in the running for the beta experience, but this may not come as fast or soon as expected. There have been instances wherein players were able to get into the beta, as Capcom reported monitoring player activity, logins and matches.

As far as the extended beta is concerned, there are no confirmations yet as to the length of extension players will get for the "Street Fighter V" beta, GameSpot reported. The beta is not only limited to testing out server capacity, but is also looking at how the currency system and matchmaking will play out once the game is released next year.

Not everything is cast in a bad light with the "Street Fighter V." There are some players who were able to break through the buggy servers to land themselves into some decent gameplay experience. One particular player managed to get some screenshots of some of the fights, DualShockers reported.

These shots show off fighters Ryu, Chun-Li, Cammy and Birdie while in their time at the training room. Despite the server issues, the graphics are a sight to behold.

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