'True Detective' Episode 6 'Church in Ruins' Recap: 'Bezzerides' Finds The Lost Girl

| Jul 30, 2015 08:28 AM EDT

'True Detective'

After the major shootout in "True Detective" episode 4, the three detectives, namely Bezzerides (Rachel McAdams), Woodrugh (Taylor Kitsch) and Velcoro (Colin Farrel), are still not over the case of nabbing the man responsible for the murder of city planner Ben Casper.

The episode featured them being assigned on a special task force to look for the missing girl that Bezzerides has been looking for since the start of the season.  But there is more to this assignment than finding the girl; they have to link the collusion of Vinci PD with any state department. Bezzerides finds herself in racy parties and ends up getting more than they bargained for.

Bezzerides ends up going to a mansion in the hills together with other girls where she finds Blake, played by Christopher James Baker who happens to be one of Frank Semyon's men. Together with the other girls, Bezzerides is given "pure Molly" before they were brought out to meet the men.

Meanwhile, outside the house, Woodrugh and Velcoro try to find clues that will help them solve the case. Back to the party, the drugs starts to take effect and Bezzerides is grabbed by one of the men. Fearing the worst, she grabs a knife as she heads upstairs. 

Rushing to the bathroom, Bezzerides tries to throw up the drug, where she finds the missing girl that she has been looking for, then fights her way out of the house, stabs a man, gets into the line of fire, but is able to escape with the missing girl.

Episode 6 sent you back in the story with the fantasy score running in the background that makes it more eerie.  This episode builds up the suspense of what could be a charged finale.

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