Google Nexus 2015 Release Date Confirmed In September 2015 Alongside Android M Rollout – Reports

| Jul 31, 2015 07:54 PM EDT

Android by Google

Google's release date plans for the Nexus 2015 - said to come in two models namely the Nexus Angler from Huawei and Nexus Bullhead from LG - seem likely to happen in late September 2015. The flagship launch will also mark the release of Android M or Android 5.2, reports said.

As the prevailing rumors indicate that it will be a simultaneous touchdown of the Nexus 2015 and Android M this 2015, it appears now that the much-awaited unpacking will take place in the third quarter of the year, likely the final month or September. This was suggested by the latest report from Android Police that says Android 5.2 is set for a final release in the month, possibly in the last few days.

But before unleashing Android M in its final form, release of Developer Preview 3 build of the mobile operating system will be delayed, which originally was expected to arrive middle of July. A Googler, according to Android Police, posted on Google+ that Preview 3 will be issued slightly delayed but no exact date was provided.

The source indicated that tweaks being performed on the next Android will require more time. "We want this to be a near final release to test your apps on but we need a little more time to get it out to you," Wojtek Kaliciński, of Android Developer was quoted by the Android Police report as saying.

The same report also noted that Google had originally scheduled to finish its work on Android M before September 2015 and release the final cut in the same month or October at the latest. If the near final release of the software will surface this August, it is likely that the same build will pave the way for the official version.

And to best showcase what Android M is capable of it is likely that Google will also unbox its flagship phone that reportedly will be sourced from two device makers - LG and Huawei. So the chance is high that the new Android will be introduced via the Nexus 2015 handsets, which makes sense as the Google signature phone is designed to get first the latest Android update.

So for pure Android fans, marking late September or early October 2015 on the calendar as release date for both the Nexus 2015 and Android M is the logical thing to do following the Developer Preview 3 outing anytime this August.

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