'I Am Cait' S1 E2 ( Aug. 2) Recap: Caitlyn Jenner Undertakes Road Trip With New Transgender Friends

| Aug 03, 2015 02:40 AM EDT

Caitlyn Jenner's "I Am Cait" premiered on E! on July 26.

E! aired a high-on-drama episode of "I Am Cait" season 1 on Aug.2, Sunday, at 8:00 pm. The episode, titled "The Road Trip Part 1," focused on Caitlyn Jenner, who was formerly known as Bruce Jenner, and her new transgender friends as they took a road trip to meet more people like them.

The episode 2 opened with Caitlyn fretting over her not-so-feminine voice as she discusses the same with Kim Kardashian and her friend Mallika, who have come over to meet her. Caitlyn tells them how she used to modulate her voice while calling a hotel room service, after which Kim urges her to show the same.

It turns out that Caitlyn has a lot to do with her voice and even mentions surgery, after which Kim and Mallika get alarmed about the possible side effects of such an operation. Meanwhile, Caitlyn is informed that tonight she will hang out with several transgender women.

Jenny Boylan, head of GLAAD and a good friend of Caitlyn, has brought some transgender women and is shown fretting how they will react to the celebrity status of Caitlyn. Actress Candis Cayne starts to speak first who tells everyone that how she had no information about gender transition in 1995 and she used to buy hormones from the black market.

Drian Juarez and Chandi Moorie also pitch in to explain how their respective families reacted over their decision for sex change, followed by speeches by Jen Richards, an activist, and Zackary Drucker, an artist and producer. Caitlyn discussed her voice issues with the group who suggest her to hire a vocal therapist.

The group decides to embark on a journey to San Francisco so that they can meet more people like them. As Caitlyn starts packing, she realizes that this will be her first road journey with just Caitlyn clothes. Ronda also joins Caitlyn on the trip who teases her about Cayne, to which Caitlyn comments that she has not thought about dating in future.

The group starts the trip with Caitlyn changing cars to avoid paparazzi before making their first stop where the women decide to relax in a hot tub together. Caitlyn discloses her anxiety over wearing swimsuits and says that she is not yet ready to expose herself like that and retires for the day.

The next day, the group head towards the Human Rights Campaign where they met Angelica Ross, Jay Brown, Alison Gill, Laya Monarez, and Blossom Brown and discuss the lack of employment opportunities for the transgender women.

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