‘Chasing Life' Season 2 Spoilers: April Carver Passes Out During Her Wedding; Leo Or Dominic To Be Killed Off?

| Aug 10, 2015 05:24 AM EDT

Chasing Life

The upcoming episode of "Chasing Life" will see April Carver walking down the aisle on her wedding day. However, in the teaser released by ABC Family, April was featured passing out and falling on the ground.

According to Cartermatt, there is a chance that April and Leo's wedding will not push through for a number of different reasons. First, April is sick and it seems that she will be brought to the hospital even before she reaches the altar on her wedding day.

Last Monday, April's ex-boyfriend Dominic also told Leo that he wants April back. This has led Dominic and Leo to rethink their future plans and whether or not it should include April.

Meanwhile, after Monday night's "The Last W" episode, there will be a few more episodes before the second season of "Chasing Life" concludes. With this, there are speculations that it is not April that will not survive, but Leo.

Obviously, it would be quite impossible for the show creators to kill off April because she's the lead character in the series. What the creators can do on the other hand is to kill off Leo to give the show a boost.

According to IBTimes, the eighth episode for the season has revealed that April will grieve over a shocking traumatic event. There is also a possibility that Leo will survive, but one of April's family members, close friends or even her ex-boyfriend Dominic could be killed off.

"Chasing Life" season 2 airs Monday nights at 9 p.m. ET on ABC Family.

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